Press Releases

April 26, 2017

Van Hollen Statement on Trump Tax Reform Proposal

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement on President Trump's outline of a tax reform proposal: "President Trump's tax reform proposal is a half-baked collection of ideas that add up to a huge giveaway to Donald Trump and his rich friends. If your last name is Trump, this plan is great for your bottom line. But if you're one of the millions of Americans who feels left behind by this economy, President Trump's plan only makes your problems worse. This plan … Continue Reading

April 26, 2017

Van Hollen Announces Bill to Raise Federal Minimum Wage to $15

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) joined Senators Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and 21 other Senators in announcing the Raise the Wage Act, which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15. By phasing in a pay raise for tens of millions of workers, the legislation will raise living standards, lift millions of Americans out of poverty, and provide a much-needed boost to our economy. "If you work full time in America, you should be able to support yourself and your family … Continue Reading

April 26, 2017

Van Hollen Condemns Trump Executive Orders Threatening National Monuments

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen joined Senator Tom Udall and a group of 30 Democratic senators in condemning President Trump's executive order which threatens national monuments by directing the Department of Interior to review, and possibly modify or rescind, prior monument designations. The senators noted that national monuments enjoy widespread public support and serve as economic drivers across the United States. Given the depth and significance of support in the communities, the … Continue Reading

April 26, 2017

Van Hollen to Newly Confirmed Deputy Attorney General: Appoint Special Prosecutor Immediately

Following Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's confirmation late yesterday, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen joined Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and a group of 13 Senators urging him to immediately appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Since Attorney General Jeff Sessions' has recused himself, Rosenstein is now responsible for leading the Department of Justice's investigation. "We write to request that you take immediate … Continue Reading

April 26, 2017

Van Hollen, Shaheen Introduce Legislation to Ensure Women Servicemembers Have Access to Basic Health Care

Today, U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced the Access to Contraception for Women Servicemembers and Dependents Act of 2017 to overhaul current Department of Defense policy on contraceptive coverage and family planning counseling. The bill would bring health care provided by the military in line with current law for civilian populations by ensuring that all women who receive health care through the United States military have access to all forms of … Continue Reading

April 26, 2017

Two Years After Unrest, Baltimore Congressional Delegation Continues Push for Greater Opportunities, Criminal Justice and Civil Rights Reforms for the People of Baltimore

U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin, along with Congressmen Elijah Cummings, Dutch Ruppersberger, and John Sarbanes (all D-Maryland) Wednesday released the following statement two years after the unrest that followed the death of Freddie Gray. "Two years ago, as the City of Baltimore grieved the loss of Mr. Freddie Gray, we asked our neighbors to honor him through peaceful means rather than violence. Freddie's death was a tragedy that forced a long-overdue conversation on race, … Continue Reading

April 26, 2017

Van Hollen Urges Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan to Focus on Funding for Opioid Crisis and Medical Research

Washington, D.C.- Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) joined Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and a group of 16 senators calling on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to include a substantial increase in funds for the fight against the nation's opioid epidemic and additional investments in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as part of the Continuing Resolution currently being negotiated in Congress to avert a government shutdown. The … Continue Reading

April 25, 2017

Van Hollen Statement on Confirmation of Rod Rosenstein

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen released the following statement in support of the confirmation of Rod Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General: "Mr. President, I support Rod Rosenstein's nomination to become Deputy Attorney General. Throughout his 27-year career, Mr. Rosenstein has earned a reputation as a fair and focused administrator of justice. He has served in Maryland in both Republican and Democratic administrations and has earned the distinction of being the longest-serving U.S. … Continue Reading

April 25, 2017

Van Hollen, Cardin Announce $10 Million in Funding to Combat Maryland Opioid Crisis

U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) have announced $10,036,845 in federal funding to fight Maryland's opioid health crisis. The grant is funded by the 21st Century Cures Act, which was backed by both Senator Cardin and Senator Van Hollen and signed into law by President Obama in 2016. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will provide the funds through the State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis Grants, which is administered by HHS' Substance Abuse and … Continue Reading

April 21, 2017

Van Hollen, Cardin Announce $77,803 Grant for Havre de Grace Ambulance Corps

Today U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), under the Department of Homeland Security, has awarded a $77,803 grant to Havre de Grace Ambulance Corps for operations and safety. "Making sure our first responders are well-prepared to keep our communities safe is one of government's highest priorities," said Senator Cardin. "I'm glad to see this investment in Havre de Grace's Ambulance Corp come to fruition. It … Continue Reading

April 21, 2017

Van Hollen Will Fight Any Effort to Make it Easier for Corporations to Invert

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen spoke out against President Trump's new executive order, which would review all tax regulations issued in the last year of the Obama Administration. A key regulation from that period curbed the practice of corporate inversions - when companies shift their tax obligations onto American workers and families simply by moving their mailing address overseas. Senator Van Hollen led the charge against inversions in the House of Representatives, introducing … Continue Reading

April 20, 2017

Van Hollen, Cardin Announce $500,000 Grant for Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute

Today U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), under the Department of Homeland Security, has awarded a $500,000 grant to the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI). "This grant represents an investment both in Maryland first responders and in Marylanders' safety, which is exactly the type of investment the federal government should be making," said Senator Cardin. "I'm very pleased the Maryland Fire and … Continue Reading

April 19, 2017

Maryland Delegation Supports Community Group’s Resolution of NextGen Flight Issues at BWI, Urges FAA to Act

U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin joined Congressmen Steny Hoyer, Elijah Cummings, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, John Sarbanes, John Delaney, Anthony Brown, and Jamie Raskin in support of the DC Metroplex BWI Community Roundtable's proposed resolution of the NextGen flight path issue at BWI Airport and urged the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to act. "This Resolution satisfies the FAA's request that a Community Roundtable reach a consensus position before the FAA will consider … Continue Reading

April 19, 2017

Van Hollen Calls for UN Ambassador Haley to Reverse Course, Reaffirm U.S. Commitment to Global Reproductive Rights

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) joined Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Patty Murray (D-WA), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), and Chris Murphy (D-CT) in a letter calling on United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley to reverse course and reaffirm the United States' commitment to global reproductive rights. The U.S. has long supported sexual and reproductive rights abroad through foreign aid and development programs, but the Trump Administration has taken actions recently to … Continue Reading

April 17, 2017

Van Hollen Introduces Legislation to Fully Restore Broadband Privacy Protections

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) joined Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), and nine other Senators in introducing legislation to restore broadband privacy rules that will protect consumers from having their personal, sensitive information sold without their consent. "It's shameful that Congressional Republicans voted to allow Americans' personal information be sold to the highest bidder," said Senator Van Hollen. "This was a blatant giveaway to corporate special interests. We must fully … Continue Reading

April 13, 2017

Van Hollen, Cardin Statement on the Washington DC VA Medical Center

Today, U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) issued the following statement about the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General report on the Washington DC VA Medical Center, which found that patients were put at unnecessary risk. The Center is frequently used by many local veterans in Maryland. "We are deeply concerned about the issues raised by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General, regarding the Washington DC VA Medical Center. … Continue Reading

April 12, 2017

Van Hollen Writes to Deutsche Bank on Conflicts of Interest with Trump Administration

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen wrote to the CEO of Deutsche Bank USA to raise concerns about conflicts of interest between the bank and President Trump. He is asking for information on a series of issues, from efforts to restructure President Trump's debt, to possible preferential treatment for family members who are now federal employees, to any meetings between Deutsche Bank and the Trump Administration. Senator Van Hollen is also seeking assurances that the Bank is not using ties to … Continue Reading

April 12, 2017

Van Hollen Announces Customers Not Cargo Act

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen announced the Customers Not Cargo Act, which would prohibit airlines from forcibly removing passengers after they have already boarded the plane due to overbooking or airline staff seeking to fly as passengers. Senator Van Hollen wrote to his colleagues this morning to invite them to join the legislation as he finalizes the bill text. "We were all shocked and outraged this week when United Airlines forcibly and brutally removed Dr. David Dao from Flight … Continue Reading

April 11, 2017

Van Hollen Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Financial Stability to Muni Bonds

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen has introduced bipartisan legislation to allow high quality municipal debt to be classified at a level equivalent to debt issued by corporations. Debt sold by state and local governments is currently excluded from consideration under a rule requiring banks to hold enough highly liquid assets to fund their operations for 30 days. This exclusion may create a disincentive for banks to hold their positions in the municipal-debt market, potentially making it harder for … Continue Reading

April 11, 2017

Van Hollen, Booker, Duckworth, Durbin Push Back Against Attorney General on Consent Decrees

U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Dick Durbin (D-IL) pushed back against Attorney General Jeff Sessions' decision to review existing consent decrees with local law enforcement, urging him not to reverse Justice Department policy on the use of consent decrees, pointing to their effectiveness in combatting civil rights abuses and improving public safety. Consent decrees are formal agreements that the Justice Department negotiates with … Continue Reading

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