Van Hollen Statement Opposing Republican Short-Term Funding Patch
Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen issued the following statement in opposition of the Republican short-term funding patch:
"Republicans are once again forcing a short-term budget patch instead of dealing with the long-term needs of our economy, our national security, and our nation. Just two weeks ago, we passed a similar measure that was meant to give us the time to negotiate a budget for next year. Instead, Republicans spent that time behind closed doors, surrounded by lobbyists, crafting their corporate tax giveaway. Now they're kicking the can down the road again. Budgeting two weeks at a time is no way to run a business, much less a government.
"These short-term plans have far-reaching negative impacts. This process has thrown millions of Americans into uncertainty-from the 9 million children relying on the Children's Health Insurance Program, to working families who depend on our community health centers, to Dreamers looking for a secure future in the country they call home. We have not moved forward on adequate disaster relief for the parts of our country that have been ravaged by storms and wildfires or provided stability to the National Flood Insurance Program.
"The only thing we've resolved is making sure the very wealthy and special interests get a tax windfall-paid for by millions of middle-class families and adding over $1 trillion dollars to our national credit card. It's time Republicans get their priorities straight. For this reason, I am opposing their short-term budget patch."
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