October 05, 2018

Van Hollen Statement on Vote to Move Forward on Kavanaugh Nomination

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen issued the following statement in opposition to the vote to move forward with the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court:


“From day one, I have opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. His positions on everything from health care and a woman’s right to choose to expansive presidential powers are outside of the judicial mainstream. But in recent weeks, with credible and deeply concerning allegations of sexual assault coming to light, we saw an even more troubling side to Judge Kavanaugh. His angry, ultra-partisan, and misleading testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee made it clear that he does not have the temperament or trustworthiness to serve on the highest court in our land. But it’s not just Democrats saying that – former Justice John Paul Stevens took the extraordinary step yesterday of saying that Judge Kavanaugh does not belong on the Supreme Court. I stood in strong opposition to moving forward with his nomination today, and I will keep fighting this weekend to defeat this confirmation.”


