October 06, 2018

Van Hollen Statement on the Kavanaugh Confirmation

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen issued the following statement in opposition to the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He also shared stories from Marylanders who wrote in about their sexual assault experiences on the Senator floor, which are available here:


“The U.S. Senate is tasked with the special responsibility to ensure that individuals nominated by the President to be Supreme Court Justices will be people who make decisions fairly and impartially, without favor and without bias. I had concerns at the very beginning of this process – that Judge Kavanaugh was too far outside the judicial mainstream; that his nomination would put into jeopardy the health care coverage of millions of Americans, a woman’s right to choose, our workers’ rights to organize, and important checks on presidential powers. And I fear it more than ever today at the end of the process.


“Any remaining hope that Judge Kavanaugh could be trusted to be an impartial justice was shattered by his opening statement at his last hearing. When confronted with credible and deeply concerning allegations of sexual assault, Judge Kavanaugh launched into an ultra-partisan diatribe and wild conspiracy theories that showed a total lack of the temperament and trustworthiness needed in a Supreme Court Justice.


“Through all of this, we have seen Dr. Ford’s brave testimony about her sexual assault – a story that she risked everything to share because she felt it was her civic duty – inspire people across the country to share their stories. I’ve had over 50 Marylanders send me written testimonials about the sexual abuse that they encountered. Some of them told me they had shared with me what they had not told their own family members. I thank them for their courage, and I promise to keep speaking out on this critical issue.


“There is no question that today’s rush to vote without a complete investigation has tarnished both the Supreme Court and the United States Senate. But the outpouring of engagement from people in Maryland and across the country is what will continue to push our nation to become a more perfect union. Working together, we will succeed.”

