July 27, 2020

Van Hollen Statement on Republican Release of COVID-19 Plan

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding the COVID-19 plan released by Senate Republicans today:

“It’s bad enough that Senate Republicans are allowing many important protections to expire, but it’s outrageous that – when they finally unveiled their proposals today – they fall so far short of meeting the urgent needs around the country and, in many cases, will make the situation worse. The House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act over two months ago – and since then we’ve urged Republicans to come to the table. Instead, Mitch McConnell sat on his hands as this crisis worsened and crucial protections expired. The plan he released today fails to provide real relief to those who have been hit hardest. It punishes people out of work through no fault of their own by dramatically cutting their unemployment benefits – even as many Marylanders are still waiting on their UI payments. It does not renew the expired evictions protections that are needed to prevent families from being kicked out of their homes. And it lacks the support that Maryland workers, healthcare providers, small businesses, non-profits, and the state and local governments need to weather this storm. At the same time, it absolves corporations of all responsibility to protect their workers and customers from unsafe conditions. Republicans need to stop shilling for big corporations and join us in helping workers, families, and small businesses.”

Senator Van Hollen has urged Republicans to include a number of measures vital to our state and our country's response to the COVID-19 crisis, including: