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Van Hollen Announces More than $86.3 Million for Army Corps of Engineers Projects Supporting Port of Baltimore

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen, member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, announced $86.32 million in federal funding for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects benefiting the Port of Baltimore as part of the Fiscal Year 2017 Omnibus Funding bill.

"The Port of Baltimore is a job engine for the Baltimore region and the entire state, and this funding will help navigation channels remain open and safe for the ships moving cargo to and from the Port," said Senator Van Hollen. "As we work to invest in our infrastructure to create more good paying Maryland jobs, robust funding for the Port of Baltimore will continue to be a priority."

A summary of the projects is below:



Project description

Baltimore Harbor and Channel Dredging


Funding will provide for the restoration of authorized dimensions through maintenance dredging of the waterway.

Drift Removal in Baltimore Harbor


Funding will provide drift collection and removal to support the Port of Baltimore to ensure that commercial vessels have safe passage free of obstruction.

Poplar Island - Mid Chesapeake Bay


Ongoing maintenance and expansion operations to facilitate environmentally sound disposal of dredged material