May 23, 2024

Van Hollen Statement on Procedural Vote to Move Forward on Legislation to Address Border Security, Combat Fentanyl, and Seek Amendments to Include Dreamers and TPS Recipients

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding his vote in favor of proceeding to debate on legislation to address border security and combat fentanyl:

“For far too long our nation has been in desperate need of comprehensive immigration reform and measures to improve our border security processes. While Republicans have continuously stonewalled us, taking up this legislation provided the possibility of addressing this broken system. And while the bill before us is not one I would’ve written, I voted in favor of proceeding, as I believe it is necessary to move forward on bipartisan efforts to improve our border security, address immigration, and better protect Americans from the flow of deadly fentanyl into our nation. In addition, had we proceeded to debate on this legislation, I would have filed amendments to advance critical measures missing from this bill – including providing Dreamers and TPS recipients security and certainty. I’ve repeatedly fought for these priorities – through the introduction of my SECURE Act and my consistent support of the Dream Act – and I would have demanded a vote on the inclusion of these provisions. However, we will not have that opportunity – instead of joining us to move forward and debate this legislation and vote to modify it, the majority of Republicans today walked away from any chance in this Congress to achieve immigration reform and greater border security. They slammed the door on this bipartisan product, preferring to use the border as a political wedge instead of working to find solutions – and refusing to consider the broader issue of comprehensive immigration reform.”  
