July 09, 2018
Van Hollen Statement on Kavanaugh Nomination
Today, U.S.
Senator Chris Van Hollen released the following statement regarding President
Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court:
“The person who fills Justice Kennedy's position on the
Supreme Court will have a pivotal role in making decisions that will impact
every American for generations to come. Tonight, President Trump had an
opportunity to pick a mainstream, consensus Supreme Court nominee who could
garner broad bipartisan support. Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, President
Trump squandered that opportunity. Instead, by nominating Brett
Kavanaugh, President Trump contracted out this important decision to
right-wing groups like the Federalist Society and the Heritage
Foundation. The result is a highly ideological nominee who cannot be
trusted to be a fair and impartial administrator of justice. The risk is
compounded by the fact that, during his presidential campaign,
Trump established a litmus test for any Supreme Court nominee — saying he
would pick someone who would overturn a woman's right to reproductive choice as
decided in Roe v. Wade. He also stated that women who exercise
that choice should be subjected to “some form of punishment.” The lists
assembled by the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation were compiled
with that litmus test in mind.
“In addition to protecting a woman's right to choose,
the Supreme Court will make other key decisions on fundamental issues like
civil rights, voting rights, freedom of the press, environmental protections,
workers' rights, and the undemocratic flood of secret money in elections. Day
after day, President Trump has shown his disdain for the rule of law and
principles of fairness and equal justice under the law. And, at this moment,
the Trump Administration is supporting an effort to get the courts to overturn
key healthcare protections for the tens of millions of Americans with
pre-existing conditions.
“With so much at stake, we needed a nominee who can
give the country confidence that he will be impartial and will adhere to the
principles in the Constitution and the laws established by the Congress. What
Donald Trump demanded — and what we now have — is something very different.
Brett Kavanaugh has a public record that has already been well-examined. In
fact, he only ended up on this pre-vetted, right-wing list because he was open
to using the courts to push the Republicans’ activist agenda. I expect hearings
and floor debate will further underscore these concerns.
“People in Maryland and across the country need and deserve a Supreme Court justice who will stand up for liberty and justice for all — not someone pre-selected by right-wing groups who consistently sides with powerful special interests over the rights of workers, consumers, and individuals. Brett Kavanaugh simply does not meet that basic standard, and I cannot support his nomination to the Supreme Court.”
“People in Maryland and across the country need and deserve a Supreme Court justice who will stand up for liberty and justice for all — not someone pre-selected by right-wing groups who consistently sides with powerful special interests over the rights of workers, consumers, and individuals. Brett Kavanaugh simply does not meet that basic standard, and I cannot support his nomination to the Supreme Court.”
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