March 13, 2017

Van Hollen Statement on CBO’s Score of Trumpcare

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen issued the following statement on the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) analysis of Trumpcare:

"This CBO report should be the final nail in the coffin for Trumpcare. The plan is a total betrayal of Donald Trump's promise that 'everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now.' Instead, in just a few years, Trumpcare will cause of over 21 million Americans to lose their coverage and premiums in the individual market will quickly skyrocket by up to 20 percent. It is not a plan to improve health care in America - it's a way to game the system in favor of the wealthy and pad the pockets of insurance company CEOs. CBO's analysis makes clear that Trumpcare is nothing more than a Trojan Horse for tax cuts to the rich, while stripping affordable health care from millions of Americans. The effort by the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans to discredit the nonpartisan, independent CBO analysis because they're afraid of the facts is a sign of how desperate they are to hide the truth from the American people."