February 14, 2018

Van Hollen Statement on Bipartisan Bill to Protect Dreamers

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen released the following statement on the bipartisan bill to protect Dreamers:

"Today, a majority of Senators voted for a bipartisan compromise that would have finally ensured that our Dreamers have security in the country they call home. It was by no means perfect, and I was particularly disappointed that it did not include protections for the many individuals with Temporary Protected Status who are living in our country legally. But it would have moved the ball forward as we worked on broader immigration reform.

"But in the face of President Trump's strong opposition, we did not have enough support to move forward. The President asked Congress to negotiate a solution - we did. He asked for full funding for border security to build parts of a wall that he had previously promised that Mexico would pay for - the bill did. His refusal to support this compromise exposes him for the fraud he is. He never cared about the Dreamers and appears determined to deport them."
