October 09, 2019

Van Hollen, Graham Announce Framework for Sanctions Against Turkey

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement announcing a framework for sanctions against Turkey in response to their recent military aggression in northeastern Syria with Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). A link to the framework is available here:

“Today Senator Lindsey Graham and I are announcing a framework to place immediate sanctions on senior Turkish government officials, prohibit all U.S. military business and U.S. military transactions with Turkey, and immediately activate the 2017 CAATSA provisions passed by the Congress with respect to Turkey. These sanctions will remain in place until the Executive Branch certifies to Congress that Turkey is not engaged in military activities in Syria east of the Euphrates and west of the Iraqi border and that all Turkish and Turkish-partner fighters have been withdrawn from Syrian territories impacted by the Turkish military operation that began today. 

“This unlawful and unwarranted attack against an American friend and partner threatens the lives and livelihoods of millions of civilians, many of whom have already fled from their homes elsewhere in Syria to find safety in this region. This invasion will ensure the resurgence of ISIS in Syria, embolden America’s enemies including Al Qaeda, Iran, and Russia, and launch yet another endless conflict in what had been, until today, one of the most safe and stable areas of Syria and a region experimenting with the best model of local governance currently available in that war-torn country.”


