April 13, 2017

Van Hollen, Cardin Statement on the Washington DC VA Medical Center

Today, U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) issued the following statement about the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General report on the Washington DC VA Medical Center, which found that patients were put at unnecessary risk. The Center is frequently used by many local veterans in Maryland.

"We are deeply concerned about the issues raised by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General, regarding the Washington DC VA Medical Center. Our veterans put their lives on the line for our nation, and we must ensure they have the best care when they come home. The idea that these unsatisfactory conditions even existed at the Washington DC VA Medical Center - much less that they were allowed to continue for so long - is unacceptable. The VA's swift action to remove and replace the director is a commendable first step, but the underlying problems must be addressed immediately and protections put in to place so this never happens again - here or at any other VA center."