March 15, 2017

Van Hollen Calls for Partnership with Europe to Fight Russian Cyberattacks

Today at a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Russian sanctions, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen called for partnership with our European allies to fight Russian cyberattacks on democratic elections. The hearing comes on the same day as the Netherlands' general election for Prime Minister. Russia reportedly hacked into the accounts of dozens of Dutch government officials to undermine the candidacy of Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who ran against the extreme right-wing candidate Geert Wilders.

"Russia's ambitions in both the United States and Europe are clear. It wants to sabotage democratic elections, control former Soviet states, and erode security alliances that have underpinned global stability since the Second World War," said Senator Van Hollen. "Russia has launched aggressive cyber-attacks throughout the United States and Europe to elect right-wing nationalists sympathetic to Vladimir Putin's approach to governing. This cannot stand. The United States must take concerted actions with our European partners and allies to fight Russia's cyber-attacks. Part of that effort will be through sanctions, and I look forward to working with the Banking Committee on that important issue."