Baltimore Congressional Delegation Announces $500,000 for Morgan State University Historical Preservation
U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin and Congressmen Dutch Ruppersberger, John P. Sarbanes, and Kweisi Mfume (all D-Md.) today announced $500,000 for Morgan State University’s work to preserve its University Memorial Chapel Window through the National Parks Service (NPS) Historic Preservation Fund (HPF). Nationwide, NPS will allocate $7.7 million in competitive grants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) for the preservation of historic structures.
“Morgan State University is part of the bedrock of Baltimore’s community. Its rich, 153 year history must be preserved,” said the lawmakers. “We are committed to working with University leadership to ensure that it can continue its legacy for the generations to come.” On Tuesday, the delegation announced $19,040,779 for the university through the U.S. Department of Education Higher Education and Emergency Relief (HEER) Fund created through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
“We are very thankful to receive this National Park Service award. The resources provided will be instrumental in preserving our National Treasure status as we utilize it to restore our University Memorial Chapel, a symbol of spiritual guidance and a safe place for reflection at Morgan,” said David K. Wilson, president of Morgan State University. “Morgan has been long-committed to preserving its iconic buildings and spaces and receiving this aid will support the efforts of students and staff to ensure that University Memorial Chapel will be a source of inspiration for future generations.”
The Secretary of the Interior’s Historic Preservation Initiative for HBCUs was established to identify and restore those historic structures on HBCU campuses considered to be the most historically significant and physically threatened. It was also established in direct response to the needs of many of the historically black colleges and universities, which faced critical rehabilitation needs, but lacked the resources to repair these buildings. Since the 1990s, the National Park Service has awarded more than $60 million in grants to more than 80 HBCUs. More information on the program may be found here.
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