Newsletter Archive

February 29, 2024

Senate Update: Overcoming Chaos in the House

January 06, 2024

Senate Update: Happy New Year (We Hope!)

October 07, 2023

Shutdown Averted, but Republican Chaos in House Threatens Further Progress

August 25, 2023

Senate Update: Milestones and Moving Forward

June 20, 2023

Senate Update: Fulfilling Promises and Delivering for Marylanders

December 28, 2022

Senate Update: Finishing the Year on a High Note and Preparing for What’s Next

November 22, 2022

Senate Update: Building the Foundation for a Brighter Future

September 27, 2022

Senate Update: America Is on the Move

August 07, 2022

Urgent Senate Update: Senate Takes Action to Build Better Future for All

July 19, 2022

Senate Update: Honoring America’s True Promise

June 25, 2022

Urgent Senate Update: The Fight Ahead

May 03, 2022

Urgent Senate Update: We Must Codify Roe NOW

April 15, 2022

Senate Update: Defending Justice for All

March 03, 2022

Urgent Senate Update: Five Takeaways From the State of the Union

February 15, 2022

Senate Update: Pushing the Fight Forward

January 19, 2022

Urgent Senate Update: We Must Protect Our Democracy and Restore Function to the Senate

December 31, 2021

Senate Update: Ending the Year Celebrating What We’ve Gotten Done and Determined to Do Even More in 2022

November 26, 2021

Senate Update: Growing Opportunity and Prosperity for All

October 27, 2021

Senate Update: Working Overtime to Pass the Build Back Better Agenda

August 23, 2021

Senate Update: Moving Forward, Full Steam Ahead

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